Paddy Campbell came to live and paint in Rossendale, England in January 2015 in order to capture the rugged hills of the East Pennines. Since arrival he has developed a robust style of oil painting, capturing the dynamic landscapes and weather patterns. His paintings attract a good following. 

Oils suit the robust command of colour and landscape structure displayed in Paddy Campbell’s work and the painting knife his method of attack. Watercolour and acrylic paintings offer a new direction to work of Paddy Campbell, with splendid results. 

Paddy Campbellā€™s ability to maintain a wildness within his paintings make this artists work popular, they are unmistakably rural paintings that capture the spirit and oxygen of a scene with good effect. 

Paddy Campbell’s work is influenced by the landscapes that produce it. In keeping with modern landscape artists his paintings translate well into the urban home and gallery. 
