I’ve been asked by a couple of local studio venues about our plans for an Art Trail in 2022.
I’m not able to take a lead on it this year, largely because we’re moving from our farm to Haslingden to Dave Pearson’s old studio. So far as I can tell the final stages of the move will be in October, which appears to remain the preferred time for RAT. I’m also keen on others taking the lead on the organisation of the Art Trail, so this is likely to be the perfect opportunity!
After last year’s November dates, opinion gathered from the feedback was that October was definitely the preferred date. It would be particularly useful to hear from the main venues, including the Whitaker and the Boo, to find out what they’re planning this year. Remembering that on the whole participating artists liked the idea of a longer Art Trail, perhaps a couple of weeks and 3 weekends long, and individual artists and studios opening whenever suited them within that period.
I’m happy to act as a go-between for this and pass on any group messages. Of course this website is now well established and artist’s addresses can be found on it, so it’s easy to communicate with one another.